How to “Simplify” Complex Business Negotiations

Picture courtesy of qimono on Pixabay.

As stated in my last article, the biggest mistake even experienced sales executives, relationship managers and sales managers make in a negotiation is underpreparing. Negotiations are too complex, there’s too much that can go wrong & the consequences of mistakes can be too extreme for you not to put in the time.

But, we’re all pressed for time. With only so many hours in the day and a multitude of demands put on you, how do you maximize the probability of success while minimizing how long it takes?

It starts with having a system (or, framework if you prefer). A good negotiating system:

  • Acts as a checklist to make sure nothing important is missed
  • Tracks progress and previews what’s coming for you & your team
  • Guides you to best next steps
  • Even helps your confidence as you have a tool you can rely on

Inside your system you’ll need items such as:

  • Who all the players are on both sides who have a say in the outcome and what they want
  • What boundaries we’re setting (what’s minimally acceptable) for each issue
  • What role everyone on your team will play
  • Whether our overall strategy is to be collaborative or competitive

However, to take it to the next level, a great negotiating system does all of the above and:

  • Identifies and leverages your power.
  • Provides strategies for: finding common ground, handling baggage, leveraging your power, getting inside information, framing your offer, dealing with competing objectives, personality & style differences, working with partners, working with or against consultants, and many others.
  • Provides counterstrategies and scripts to handle difficult negotiation situations like dirty tricks & other power maneuvers.
  • Provides a process you can share with your client.

This last item may have caught you by surprise – “a process you can share with your client”. If you want a more collaborative negotiation, you need to share a tool to help foster that.

Does sharing the process mean you should also share your internal strategy and everything else inside your system? Of course not. But you should share the process you believe will best lead to an outcome both sides can be happy with.

Bottom line: To simplify complex negotiations, to save time and maximize the outcome, you need a good system. But there’s still one more thing you need and that’s coming in the next article.

Free report: My clients and I have identified 38 different things that can impact a negotiation that you want to be prepared for. If you’d like that list, click here to download it.

The Biggest Mistake Even Experienced Negotiators Make

Over the last 20 years, I’ve had the privilege of teaching and coaching negotiating strategies and skills to some of the finest salespeople, relationship managers, sales managers and senior executives in the technology space.

These negotiations are complicated and there are a lot of things that can go wrong. Some are unpreventable, but the biggest preventable mistake I’ve seen made is … under preparation.

Why do otherwise skilled business developers under prepare for a client or prospect negotiation? Sometimes it’s due to overwhelm, feeling they don’t have the time; that they’re too busy. Sometimes it’s overconfidence, not believing it’s necessary to do a lot of prep because they’ve been doing this for a long time. And, being human, a few are a little lazy. But, whatever the reason, why is it a huge mistake to under prepare?

Because of the quantity of variables impacting a negotiation, any one of which can derail it. Clients and I have identified 38. 38! Here are three, and why you have to be prepared to deal with them:

Competing objectives – Both sides have stakeholders whose individual objectives don’t line up with each other. On your side, your management wants you to protect company profits and at the same time protect the relationship. Your client expects you to be their advocate. And, their side has people who are incented to minimize cost while others are tasked with maximizing functionality or ease of use or productivity. It’s like trying to thread a needle while wearing oven mitts in a windstorm.

Baggage – Things happen in long-term relationships. Have they moved on from last month’s, last year’s or last decade’s service issues? Everyone? Have those who wanted your competitor’s solution years ago gotten over that decision? If not addressed, baggage can weigh down any chance at collaboration.

Savvy negotiators – A skilled client or a consultant they’ve hired to act as their proxy can take you to the cleaners if you’re not ready for them. They know how to use power, emotion, competition, standards, reframes and other tactics to keep you off-balance. It’s always safest to assume someone on the other side is “incented” to strike a great deal for the client and have countermeasures for those maneuvers.

Bottom line: It’s worth it to find the time to diligently prepare for each negotiation. How do we best do that? I’ll talk about that in my next article.

Picture courtesy of Tumisu on Pixabay.