One-on-one coaching
The main benefits of professional coaching are getting you to a result faster and with higher probability than if you did it on your own. That’s because of the knowledge & coaching skill brought by the coach combined with holding you accountable. When done right, the return on your investment is quite high. Whereas it’s hard to measure ROI with therapy or counseling, this isn’t.
Here’s what you get working with Bob LaBarbera:
More than 30 years experience selling, managing, teaching & coaching seasoned sales professionals, relationship managers, sales managers & other senior executives involved in complex, technology-solution sales. Bob has taught and coached thousands and has a 99+% recommendation level.
A personal development plan co-created with you and customized for what you want to achieve. Each 30 or 60 interactive minute session we schedule has an objective and a way to measure success.
You provide information ahead of time via email in the format you’re most comfortable with. You’re not restricted to using Bob’s tools though they’re available to you if you want to use them.
Ability to work on strategy, skills, tactics, and processes so you can go to the next level.
You only pay for the time spent interacting with Bob. You don’t get charged for his prep work as he gets to know you, your company, your products & services, your markets, your competition and more. You also get access to modules & tools from Bob’s proprietary classes that are relevant to your plan at no additional charge.
If interested in a free, no-cost consultation to see if this is right for you, please contact bob@labarberagroup.com.